Tuesday, October 22, 2013

hand-lettering a quote. part 1.

I signed up for a skillshare class on learning to hand letter a quote or phrase! I thought I would share my progress with you guys for the class. Since I am very much into letter writing, I decided to do the phrase: To get a letter, you must write a letter.

The first step was to come up with a quote or phrase and determine how it would be applied.

After I came up with the phrase that I wanted to use, we had to break it down into different words that described the quote for inspiration when starting to hand letter

Then we had to come up with an inspiration board using some of the words listed above. I chose images that spoke to me. I also tried to go with a more vintage feel to my inspiration as well. 

Stay tuned for more posts from my progress. Wish me luck!

p.s.- To sign up for a skillshare class of your own. Go here.

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